Homeroaster.com TM

Take a look here at the creative ways homeroasters blend art and craft to build or modify their own coffee roasters.

Disclaimer: If you choose to build or make modifications you see linked to on this page, please understand that you do it at your own risk, and take full responsibility for your actions. Information depicted here does not endorse or imply that the ideas, roasters, designs, or modifications linked to on this page are safe or workable. Proceed at your own risk.

Scott Marquardt's Roaster in a Mug

Derek Bradford's not-so-ugly 'Ugly Roaster'

Ben Treichel’s Extremely Cool Roaster/Popper Mods.

Michael Lloyd shows how to roast coffee with a heatgun and a dogbowl.

Fred Langer has a neat new drum based grill roaster.

Leonard Lo has a creative design for a roaster.

An incredible site for Poppery mods.

Another incredible site for Poppery mods by Felix Dial.

Rob van Loenhout's Innovative Pipe-Style Coffee Roaster

Mike McGinness has done remarkable things with his Rosto

Jim Gundlach used perforated brass and off the shelf parts to craft his fine BBQ Grill drum roaster

Charlie Herlihy has blended art and craft in his design of a Brick oven Coffee roaster

BBQ roaster video by North Sullivan (aka: JKG)

Doug Cadmus, who originated the idea of using the Frontgate waste can, displays his version of the BBQ grill roaster

Dan Nathan used the perforated stainless Frontgate waste can for a roast drum

Dan Nathan made some additional modifications to his MECO grill to achieve better roasting temperatures.

Keith Parkers web site Beyond The Second Crack has some interesting homeroasting information

Jim Brockman had another take on using the Frontgate waste can

The Homeroaster ™ is dedicated to helping the coffee homeroaster explore, find, acquire, roast and brew coffee to achieve the ultimate coffee experience. If you have suggestions for articles, a great plan for a home coffee roaster, or any cool information concerning homeroasting, please send them to me. Great things are coming in the near future for homeroasting, and I am excited about the possibilities! Please check back frequently for great homeroasting information and opportunities for coffee homeroasters!

Ed Needham


Quote of the day..." Making bad coffee is 'grounds' for divorce! "
author unknown, but passed on to me by Robert Holland on the Homeroast List--Thanks!

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Ed Needham-Owner
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
This page revised January 5, 2011