Welcome to…


an online, PROFESSIONAL counseling service

How Does This Service Work?

(If interested in this service, please print this for your records)

The service is built upon the concept that a 'Chat Room' format is an ideal setting for quality, professional, and healing, individual and group counseling. To begin the process, several steps need to be taken to assure that each participant will benefit from this service:

Step 1 You need to send me a short e-mail message letting me know you are interested in this service. This does not obligate you in any way. We may correspond any of several ways: via e-mail, a pre-arranged public chat room (#cyberpsych on Dalnet (list of Dalnet servers), Monday nights, 8:00pm EST), or by phone if you prefer, to determine if you will benefit from this service, and to answer questions not addressed on this web site (check the FAQ page to see if your question is answered there).

Step 2 Once you have decided to participate, and you have been accepted as an online client, you will need to have, or download IRC Chat software. The program we will use is called mIRC, and it allows you to use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) services, or 'chat rooms'. This is where the counseling will take place. It is necessary that you already be familiar with the chat format and mIRC software, so counseling time does not have to be IRC tutoring time. You will need to be familiar with this program before beginning counseling.

Step 3 If you are familiar with IRC Chat, and have read the informed consent page, we will set a date to begin, and, after the first initial 'free' session, payment will need to be arranged for a minimum of three sessions. The number of sessions you may need will vary based on your own individual situation.

<<<<The Cost of the first session is FREE!!! with absolutely no further obligation!>>>>

The cost for three sessions is $15.00 per session, with a minimum of three sessions paid in full after the initial 'FREE' session. Each client will be allowed to participate in one free session to become familiar with how the service works, and to evaluate whether or not they think it will help them.

Step 4 When you have sent me e-mail, stating you intend to participate, and agree to the terms of this service (refer to the Sign-up page), a beginning date and time will be assigned, and you will need to enter the chat room (channel) named #counseling on the Dalnet (list of Dalnet servers) system. If you are approved for that session, you will be invited into the 'chat room' and at the appropriate time, the session will begin.

Step 5 You will need to abide by the rules of this chat service while in the chat room, and take charge of your own recovery by utilizing the time for your own benefit. Confidentiality of any group content is a MUST, and breaching this confidentiality is grounds for being dismissed from the group. There is no way to assure that the chat rooms are totally secure and confidential. This is a risk that needs to be accepted before beginning. Chat rooms may be monitored for various reasons by server personnel, and by law enforcement officials (If you don't like this, write to those responsible).

Step 6 If a session must be missed, you MUST notify me a minimum of one hour BEFORE the session, or you will pay for that session.

Step 7 A general chat room (#cyberpsych on Dalnet) will be available on Monday nights at 8:00pm EST to answer questions, and to brainstorm ideas to improve this service. This chat room will be open to anyone for discussion of the counseling service, and may prove a better alternative than e-mail in some instances.

This page revised October 9, 1996

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