Day Family Photo Archive

This is a brief photographic history of the Day family, descendents of William Harry Day and Frances Rose (Hoffman) Day.  More photos will be added as I have time.  Believe me, there are many more.  These photos are mostly for enjoyment by those in the immediate family, but if you find your way to this web site and are interested in what you see, please send an email to this address:

I’ll try to help you if I can.


Ed Needham -son of Frances Willa (Day) Needham and Hugh John Needham



William Harry Day                                       

William Harry and son Bill Day

Father William Harry, son Bill and his mother Frances Rose (Hoffman) Day

Frances Willa (Day) Needham and parents

Frances Rose (Hoffman) Day

William Harry Day

William Harry and Frances Rose Day holding grandchild Edgar William Needham




























Neil Day

Son of William Harry and Frances Rose Day

Roy Day

Son of William Harry and Frances Rose Day